Claire Ratinon

Writing and Media

Photo Credit: Christian Cassiel

Published Works

Unearthed: On Race and Roots, and How the Soil Taught Me I Belong

In June 2022, my second book, Unearthed: On Race and Roots, and How the Soil Taught Me I Belong was published by Chatto & Windus (an imprint of Vintage Books).

This book is a work of nature writing, storytelling and memoir, and it charts our first year of making a life in the countryside while reflecting on my journey into food growing, the stories of my family and the history of Mauritius. It explores how, in coming back to the earth, I have found a sense of homecoming, defiant ancestry and deep purpose in the company of the roots, leaves and fruit that I grow. It is a book about how the alchemy of growing plants has changed me from the outside in.

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How To Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving The House

Published by Laurence King Publishing in August 2020, ‘How To Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving The House’ covers the essentials of growing a range of edible plants in containers. This book is designed to encourage those new to gardening and food growing to take on the rewarding challenge of growing their own dinner, in whatever sunny space you have to grow in.

Articles and Media